Circumcision Penis (Synet)

Prerja e lafshës së Penisit

84484.jpg Circumcision is the surgical removal of the skin covering the tip of the penis. The procedure is fairly common for newborn boys in certain parts of the world, including the United States. Circumcision after the newborn period is possible, but it's a more complex procedure.

For some families, circumcision is a religious ritual. The procedure can also be a matter of family tradition, personal hygiene or preventive health care. For others, however, circumcision seems unnecessary or disfiguring.

Circumcision might have various health benefits, including:

Easier hygiene. Circumcision makes it simpler to wash the penis. However, boys with uncircumcised penises can be taught to wash regularly beneath the foreskin.

Decreased risk of urinary tract infections. The risk of urinary tract infections in males is low, but these infections are more common in uncircumcised males. Severe infections early in life can lead to kidney problems later.

Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections. Circumcised men might have a lower risk of certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Still, safe sexual practices remain essential.

Prevention of penile problems. Occasionally, the foreskin on an uncircumcised penis can be difficult or impossible to retract (phimosis). This can lead to inflammation of the foreskin or head of the penis.

Decreased risk of penile cancer. Although cancer of the penis is rare, it's less common in circumcised men. In addition, cervical cancer is less common in the female sexual partners of circumcised men.


  • Syneti është heqja nëpërmjet kirurgjisë e një pjese apo e gjithë lëkurës së pjesës fundore të penisit. Syneti praktikohet gjerësisht në vendet muslimane dhe pak ditë mbas lindjes. Megjithatë ka dhe prindër që zgjedhin synetin për fëmijët e tyre për shkak të arsyeve të tjera që mund të jenë ato higjenike apo estetike. Disa burra ndërrmarrin këtë iniciativë dhe në moshë madhore apo kur janë adult. Funksioni kryesor i lëkurës që hiqet është që të mbrojë majën e penisit. Kjo pjesë e lëkurës shërben si lubrifikant natyral duke rrëshqitur në pjesën fundore të tij dhe duke lejuar kështu rritjen e ndjeshmërisë. Kjo pjesë e lëkurës përmban gjithashtu mbaresa nervore që prodhojnë ndjesi të shkëlqyeshme.